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Diane Schulman
"Anna's Promise"


Wednesday, May 29, 2024 | 7:30 PM
Online Via Zoom


In the spring of 1975, Ben Fried­man will cel­e­brate his rite of pas­sage into adult­hood. When his beloved grand­fa­ther sud­den­ly dies and leaves him a mys­te­ri­ous inher­i­tance, Ben begins to dis­cov­er who he is and where he belongs. When he choos­es a path his pow­er­ful father oppos­es, their rela­tion­ship becomes volatile. Will Ben with­stand the pressure?
In 1914, Dovid Weis­man, Ben’s great-grand­fa­ther, strug­gles to pro­tect his fam­i­ly when Ger­many declares war on Rus­sia and the bru­tal Cos­sacks occu­py his vil­lage of Siedlce, Poland. He finds that love and oppor­tu­ni­ty are still pos­si­ble if they can escape with their lives.
Slip­ping between war-torn Poland and mod­ern Amer­i­can life, one fam­i­ly’s sto­ry is woven togeth­er across three generations.