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Parental Involvement

We have an open-door policy and strongly encourage parents to come to their child’s classroom. Parents are encouraged to share their time and skills whenever possible. Please feel free to join your child for lunch, read to the kids at the library, or come in for their weekly music class. We encourage parents to join our Beverly Levy Parent Committee, which meets throughout the school year. Parents join together to help support the director and teachers in achieving the mission and goals, and improving the quality of the Beverly Levy program.


Room Parents

We also ask that a parent from each class volunteer to represent the class as a “Room Parent.” The Room Parent communicates information about special events and encourages other parents to participate in the Center programs. Ideally, the Room Parent would also be a member of the Center’s Parent Committee. We view parental participation as a vital part of the partnership between the Beverly Levy Early Learning Center and its families.